Thursday, November 8, 2012

gratitude - 11.08.2012

today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • meaningful data displayed in cool graphics
  • brisk chilly but sunny weather
  • family dinners
  • short peppermint hot chocolate
  • cancelled cable and switching to netflix/hulu plus accounts ($16 a month for both!)
  • less tears during daycare drop offs
  • playing new songs on the ukulele
  • the promise of a 3-day weekend ahead
  • my hardworking and loving hubby

my love 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

gratitude - 11.05.2012

today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • road trips
  • tailgating with fellow bruins
  • watching little ones grow up together
  • porto's cheese rolls
  • coffee bean & tea leaf
  • an extra hour of sleep
  • sunshine & blue skies
  • lessons learned
  • the right to vote... thank you to those who have fought for ours!

Friday, October 19, 2012

gratitude - 10.19.2012

today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • deep cleansing breaths
  • vallejo chiropractic
  • hourly stretchclock breaks
  • remembering to wear purple in honor of glaad's spirit day against bullying and in support of the LGBT community and pink in honor of national mammography day
  • the right to vote
  • my nephew's adorable boys & girls' club kinder performance and potluck yesterday
  • el's first school photo, the only non-smiling one of the ~60 kids
  • my department of awesome colleagues who keep me sane and laughing
  • a friday night and saturday spent with hubby and el, a rare treat during this year's extended wedding season crunch

Monday, October 15, 2012

gratitude - 10.15.2012

today, i feel grateful for:

  • awesome family & friends
  • a fun-filled weekend, celebrating rob's bday with "just adults," the sac aloha festival, and chey's princess fairy bday!
  • quality time with my sis and our kids
  • gorgeous norcal weather
  • breathtaking sunsets
  • iced espresso beverages
  • preschool art projects
  • instagram
  • a non-eventful "counselor of the day" monday
  • increasing  my excel proficiency & efficiency

i've never been the "girly" princess type but i can sure try once in awhile! =)

Monday, October 8, 2012

gratitude - 10.08.2012

today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • gorgeous bay area weather this past weekend
  • a laid back dinner out with my nuclear fam on friday, rare during wedding season
  • 10th annual bay area ucla football tailgate
  • getting one more occasion for el and luk to squeeze into their ucla cheer suit & jersey before growing out of them
  • spontaneous trips to the city with family friends
  • watching the blue angels air show
  • guitar tabs app and learning a couple more songs on the uke
  • shabu house, chantel guillon macarons, & philz coffee, all within an hour's time =)
  • gopro camera fun

el's photo of the blue angels air show

Monday, June 18, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • summer vacation & being able to spend more time with ellie and eddie
  • el's family daycare, as i know she's in good hands and enjoying herself while we work
  • our day trip to stinson over the weekend
  • jawaiian jams
  • coconut
  • playdates
  • "casual everyday"
  • quiet afternoons
  • catching up on laundry
my silly family

Friday, June 1, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • the past wonderful bday month i celebrated
  • only 3 more school days and 6 more work days left 'til summer vacation
  • my bff, jan, in town, completing our trifecta =)
  • cloth diapers
  • hilarious ecards
  • wine and wine lovers
  • overcoming adversity and reaching your goal, despite hardship and obstacles
  • laughter
  • being acknowledged and respected for one's effort, skill, and time
shout out to the vhs counselors (and me)!!! =)

Monday, May 14, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • a gorgeous sunset this morning
  • a wonderful mother's day weekend with plenty of good food and company
  • auntie l, uncle n, chey & han for watching el so i could celebrate with r and siblings for her bday
  • dolls of a variety of ethnicities
  • dangly earrings
  • siri's reminders
  • meeting deadlines
  • big roomy purses
  • hubby's mother's day gift to me

thank you for the lovely tulips, hubby!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • health benefits
  • finding a table next to an outlet at starbucks with finals just around the corner for most colleges 
  • helping over 200 seniors complete college applications this year
  • kids' birthday parties
  • organized closets
  • pretend play with el. she adores her play kitchen and keeps asking to have her friends/family come over to play
  • gorgeous spring weather
  • the start of my "birth month!"
  • completing fatmumslim's april photo-a-day challenge and taking on the may challenge, which is my kind of journaling/scrapbooking 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • iced coffee
  • being able to keep up with the #fatmumslim april photo-a-day challenge and my 365 photo project of el
  • forgiveness and patience
  • friends who are willing to drive
  • an empty and clean kitchen sink
  • sunny weather
  • lots of birthdays to celebrate
  • funny things out of little kids' mouths
  • great deals at the jbf north bay consignment sale, especially the 3 pairs of new handmade flip flops for el i scored for $7.50. =)
el's summer shoes

Friday, March 30, 2012

things i do that bug my husband...

in honor of our 7th anniversary, here is a list of top 7 things i do that annoy hubby:
  1. that i don't always squeegee the shower doors when i finish showering
  2. forgetting to tell him i need an oil change once the reminder gets to 60% (he had to tell me it's like a grading system and that 60% is an F)
  3. leaving the fridge doors open when i grab something from the fridge for just a "few minutes" (i know, i know, i try to conserve resources as much as possible but this is one bad eco-unfriendly habit i have.)
  4.  crumbs in the bed (i like to blame this on el)
  5. sharing a drink or dip that includes a spoon in it (i like to keep it in the there to keep the contents well mixed. he says it gets in the way)
  6. nagging ("but i wouldn't have to repeat myself if you would do it the first time!" =)
  7. trying to intertwine my toes with his in a "toe hug"
annoying as these things may be, you're stuck!!!! muahahahaha!!!!

it's nice to know that flaws and all, i'm loved. here's to 7 years of marriage and many, many more to come. ("they've just finished playing the opening intro and title screen." =)

(image from:

Saturday, March 24, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • a warm occupied home, thanks to the presence of my little cousins
  • initiative
  • my planned master's paper party so i can finally finish my master's proposal
  • the start of 2 weeks of spring break!
  • people who listen with open minds and hearts
  • the green hills surrounding our town from the much needed rain
  • netflix and being able to share my love for "lost" with my cousins. c is now "stuck" and has watched 17/25 episodes of season 1 in a few short days
  • reintroducing stand alone conditioner to my hair. what a difference!
  • skype, for allowing me to communicate with hubby & el
it's so great to be able to skype with my fam while they're in the philippines

Monday, March 19, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:

  • awesome family & friends
  • "me time"
  • uninterrupted sleep
  • the anubhuti meditation center in novato - this is an amazing center that welcomes all walks of life and only asks for donations for the plethora of classes, workshops, and retreats they offer
  •  deep breaths
  •  skyping/facetiming and emailed photos to keep connected with hubby & el, while on their trip to the philippines
  • free itunes app/song cards courtesy of starbucks
  • the spare room at my parents' house
  • lola the weiner dog keeping me company last night, in her own bed underneath my bed
  • the possibility of change
woodpecker art on our walk outside the anubhuti meditation center

Saturday, March 17, 2012

going solo for the next 3 weeks

el and hubby left for the philippines on wednesday. i was sad. i cried for a few seconds. i decided not to wait at the airport with them for check-in to avoid prolonging the agony of knowing i would be without them for the next 20 plus odd days...

then after skyping with them the first day afterwards and seeing such joyful photos of el, hubby, his bro, and his mom, i realize what an awesome adventure they would have and i felt okay. jealous, a little. but mostly, i'm somewhat looking forward to my own solo adventure for the next 3 weeks.

i'm sleeping more soundly with no interruptions, more space in the bed, and no need to get up to prepare for anyone else but myself. wow, daily life was so much easier without a husband and child, i tell ya. =) one of my coworkers seemed to be checking up on me yesterday as we left school for the weekend and asked "you'll be at your parents, right?" as if, i might be sad or lonely.

but i'm actually having fun!

i went out with the moms club of ac, the organization i belong to in our new town, to a comedy club last night. this was the first event i attended and my good friend, jas, was kind enough to be dd for the night. one departing message from one of the acts was to "keep it sexy!" i realize how hard that is when you get bogged down with the daily routine and get so busy, having to care for others, maintain a job (or two, in my case), handle your finances, keep a home, etc. what a timely message this is for me, as i can't remember the last time i didn't just do for myself. i'll get an afternoon, here and there but this is my first time i haven't had to worry about anyone but myself for more than a couple days. and boy, is it a nice change.

today, i was supposed to do some work for the business, like i would normally do on a typical saturday. my good friend, bry, called me up to go for lunch with his fiance, "i", and their son, who is also my godson. without any hesitation, i jumped in my car and drove over to their place in alameda. they treated me out to a noodle house in chinatown i've never eaten at. yum! we've been hanging out all day, playing draw something and crackin' up. now, i'm sitting here at a boba tea shop waiting for "i" to finish up an appointment with their realtor and then, we'll be off to the movies for my second gal pal night in a row.

i can either choose to be sad and mopey about my family's absence. or i can take reign of all this time to myself and enjoy it tot he fullest. i choose the latter.

it's been an awesome day. =)

tomorrow or maybe monday, i'll get back to business. but for now, it's all about me, myself, and "i."

with my godson, luk

Saturday, March 10, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • el's pleasant company while dining out (finally) as she can feed herself more independently now and is more willing to try new foods
  • imagination
  • extra long naps
  • toddler chatter
  • festive party favors
  • recent kid birthday parties at "jumpy houses"
  • milk tea
  • a more organized bathroom
  • bakery story and restaurant story, my latest addictions!

maximizing seating and tables for maximum diners and tips! =)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • caffeine
  • google image searches
  • the bakery story app
  • comfy couches
  • lotion and lipbalm
  • quiet, productive afternoons
  • youtube videos that entertain the little one (lately, it's little mermaid on broadway)
  • organized binders
  • videos of el sent to me via text while at work 
 el asked hubby to send me a video message =)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentine's day surprise

i love it when the hubby and el visit me at work. today, they unexpectedly dropped by with senorita bread and starbucks drinks for my department. hubby is THE best! surprising me isn't something that he's well versed in and the fact that he thought of me and my colleagues makes it an even better treat. thanks, babe!

as much as i love a little bit of "el time," its definitely a tease for the both of us. she leaves a little unhappy and clingy. oddly, i wasn't ever really the type to feel sad when i left her for work but lately, it has become harder. maybe its because she's beginning to verbalize more that she misses me. so bittersweet...

love this guy

and this girl!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

30 months

i can't believe i have a 2.5 year old. =)

each day, it seems this spunky little toddler learns a new word/phrase, can identify a letter, put on an article of clothing, throw a deeper level of a tantrum, tries a new food or hates a food she used to love, or learns to fib. amazing...

some things that have cracked me up recently:

  • out of the blue, she'll say, "i don't want anyone to touch my butt-butt or peck-peck" (i.e. private parts.) i'll often tell her this when i'm changing her, though i try to throw in the disclaimer of only when someone is washing you or if its the doctor, though even this is confusing to me... i'll have to figure out how to continue to have this discussion in a more clear way.
  • el is fascinated by my invisilign braces and will request, "mommy, let me see your teeth."
  • during our recent breakfast and first time at black bear diner, el began to freak out when the bear character came out to greet all the guests. i told her to just wave him goodbye and she says, "i don't like the daddy bear! i want to see the mama bear."
  • during car trips, el will ask "daddy, are you driving? mommy, are you in the front?" if i'm driving, she'll say "i want daddy to drive! you sit in the front!"so demanding!
  • during our hawaii trip when the adults were discussing our strategy for moving our stuff to the new "hotel" room, el says, "mommy, i want to hold the tail!"
it's almost that time to begin planning for el's third birthday. as hubby will be photographing a wedding in nyc, we plan to join him. we may end up having a family vacation in lieu of a bday party. of course, at some point, we'll have to have birthday cake. =)

she loves her minnie ears, which we bought at the santa ana walmart for $10 less than at the disney shops.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:

  • awesome family & friends
  • el finally understanding that christmas is over and that's why we don't sing/play christmas songs anymore
  • barrettes and hair bands
  • el and ev youtubing "disneyland" and talking about what they saw together on their recent trip
  • hubby's successful prk procedure (like lasik) and his doctor's wise decision to work on one eye at a time, given the nature of hubby's profession
  • broiled bangus (milk fish)
  • the yummy treats and words of gratitude/recognition our department has received in honor of school counselor appreciation week
  • reading stories to el and having her read to me
  • my commitment to responding to work emails/messages in a timelier manner
  • my heart candy valentine socks
its national school counseling week!

Monday, January 30, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • gorgeous sunny skies
  • wonderful weather
  • shave ice
  • sharing a 2-bedroom suite with our best family friends, complete with kitchen
  • the kids' love of the beach
  • blow up animal floaties
  • spicy tuna poke
  • freshly pedicured toes
  • snorkeling

enjoying ko'olina lagoon #3

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • a wonderful family trip to the "happiest place" on earth
  • coffee
  • (almost) finishing "the girl with the dragon tatto"
  • watching ellie warm up to "mini" after having freaked out with the rest of the characters
  • mom and dad's major discount off of our tickets
  • sugar free chocolate
  • comfy beds
  • free wifi
  • the anticipation of the next trip!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • baby legwarmers
  • remembering to start my car a few minutes early to get it warmed up before i drive
  • productivity spurred by iced coffee
  • working collaboratively
  • cuddling
  • fried tilapia
  • hubby's beautiful albums
  • hair conditioner
  • 11 more days until fun in the sun with close friends who know how to have fun!
Can't wait!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:

  • awesome family & friends
  • a 3-day weekend, one in which the hubby is free!
  • our newly booked clients
  •  an incredibly clean & empty bedroom, courtesy of hubby
  • gorgeous weather
  • r & j for hosting us last night
  • jamba juice's teeny tiny smoothie cups, perfect for toddlers
  • supportive and sympathetic friends and coworkers
  • no longer craving carbs or experiencing the sluggish after-meal period with the south beach diet
  • ellie's silliness

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • an early start to the day and being able to complete day 2/60 of "insanity"
  • having the sense to go easy during my workout to avoid overexertion
  • supportive people who root you on towards your goals
  • those with the same goal who travel along the journey with you
  • being able to keep my closet organized, as my cousins had intended when they set up  my closet
  • almonds
  • ellie's wiggly butt-butt dance
  • finding no new messages on my voice mailbox this morning after the long break and being able to keep it that way through the duration of the work day
  • 4-day work week!
woohoo! no new messages!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Top 11 Memories of 2011

Thanks for the idea, D! Here is a brief year-end account of my fave 11 memories of 2011:

1. January Oahu Trip: In January, Hubby, Bro-in-law, H, El, and I headed over to Oahu. Hubby & H had been contracted to be the official photographers for the "Throw Da Shaka" concert in Honolulu. This was H's first time on the island so we were very excited for him. We met a few of the artists, photographing their promotional artist photos the day after the concert. This trip's other purpose was to plan for our upcoming vow renewal. We visited a few sites and met with a few vendors. We also got a chance to hang out with the A fam, whom we absolutely adore. Good eats, good company, and as always, wonderful weather, beaches, and aloha spirit!

Throw da Shaka Concert ID
  1. Turtle Bay
    Laie Point Arch
    Waiola Shave Ice
    El, enjoying her shave ice, at 17 months
2. WPPI 2011: After having spent 2009 pregnant and 2010, bringing along the wee one, this was Hubby and my first trip back to this annual convention in Las Vegas, deemed the "pro photographer's spring break." We hung out with our good friends, the Riv's, and other photographers with whom we have become good friends and still network with. Late night foot massages and oxtail soup, party hopping,  business planning, and tradeshow booth speaking were in store. We had a blast!
  1. WPPI 2011 tradeshow entrance     

Airplanes & Blazers Party
The fun crew!

3. Renewing our wedding vows in Oahu: At the start of Spring Break, after spending the weekend with our good photographer friends in SoCal, we headed out to Oahu with our closest family and friends (minus a few who weren't able to make it) to Waikiki. We made good use of our vacation points at the Hilton, booking two 2-bedroom suites. At one point, we had 21 people in the two suites! Many of us had never visited the island before so it was a special treat. I love that we brought along my two grandmas for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Even as I type this, I still get teary-eyed thinking of the best day of my life. After assisting Hubby at weddings since 2006, I finally got the chance to be the bride and our ceremony and reception was better than I could have EVER imagined! We opted for only the bare necessities of our wedding, things we considered most important: the gorgeous secret beach of Ko'Olina, Roy's Hawaiian Fusion gourmet food and drinks, a whimsical wedding cake with Honu toppers, simple flowers and leis, live island music, and of course, the best photography & video coverage. Little did we know that our live entertainment would be provided by local recording artist, Siaosi and crew. We imagined having a lovely quiet dinner but instead had an amazing reception, full of tropical drinks and dancing!
  1. So much luggage!
Our wedding party
  1. Lanikai beach and Hubby's air mattress & beach umbrella rig
3b. (Added this in a little late, after viewing my Instagram feed!) NAA Conference: The afterschool program coordinator invited me to represent the counseling department at the National Afterschool Association conference in Orlando in April. Since Hubby was free that weekend, he and El joined me. As they relaxed at the pool, I attended the conference. Of course, we also made some time to visit Disney World, which was my first trip out to Florida and Mickey's kingdom. 

Bill Nye was the opening speaker!

4. Kid-Friendly Summer: Little did I know that I would be in "soccer mom" status over the summer! My parents hosted my 9-year old nephew, B, and 7 year-old niece, R, for the summer, visiting from Oregon, having just immigrated from the Philippines. This was in addition to El and my 4-year old nephew, Ev. It was my goal to find as many free/low-cost kid-friendly activities for us 5: $1 movies and outdoor film viewings; swimming;  local festival and park visits; library visits; milk tea, smoothie, and ice cream runs. My SUV has never been more full (and messy)! =)

Lolo's makeshift kiddie pool

Kite Festival, Berkeley
Ice cream run @ Rite-Aid, Benicia
5. Trip to Panama: A welcome reprieve from the toddler-tweener world, Hubby and I had a few photog assignments in Panama in July. One of our fave client couples whom we have had the pleasure of photographing through the years had us contracted for their dad's big birthday party, their aftershoot, and their good friend's mentoring session and lifestyle portrait session. This is where we coined the phrase, "Sleep is for the WEEEEAAAAAAKKKKK!!!" Our schedule included early morning dim sum, chicken farm visiting/photographing, site seeing, visiting with friends, and resort-staying. Did I mention food? We ate about 7 meals a day and the food was AMAZING. Swear! I am so very grateful to have been hosted by the wonderful N fam, who are like our own family members. =)
Patacones (double fried plantains) are a staple in Panama, with every meal
  1. Bristol Buena Ventura, Playa Blanca
    Tan and relaxed
    One word to sum up our awesome trip
6. Welcome to AC!: In the midst of #4 and #5, we were also in the process of purchasing a new home in AC. We were looking for a turn-key, move-in ready home, and that we found! We love our new house and new neighborhood. Although we've lived here since the end of July, El still calls it "the new house." Even though we are not entirely unpacked, the living/family rooms are up to par with the furniture and wall hangings we want. Who would have thought it would take 5 years for a pro photog to put up some of his work in our home?!
  1. Hubby throughly enjoys the backyard, especially for BBQ-ing
7. El turned 2: In August, we celebrated El's second birthday at our local kiddie park, "Children's Wonderland." I love the idea of holding a kid's event outside of the home where preparations and clean-up are minimal! We enjoyed all of the park's thematic play structures, loads of food and cake, and decorating crowns for our fairytale-themed party. As much as I would have loved to just have the 3-hour event for the day, Hubby and I knew that we should also plan to have our housewarming on the same day, so that morning, one of the priests from our church came to bless our home and after the kid party, we brought back the food to enjoy at our home for a housewarming (after)party. 

  1. El's 2 year appointment: 23.4 lbs & 32 inches
8. Transition at work: With a few schools closing in our district, there has been much transition at every level but especially at the high school. We started off the year at high speed the first week of August, planning and instituting our own new ideas along with those not our own, and have barely had time to breathe since. With any change comes some anticipated stress but there have been some resulting positives, as well. Rh, my good friend from high school and my prior maternity leave sub, was hired on as a full-time counselor. Our counseling staff is top-notch and I am so thrilled to be a member of this strong group of colleagues, whom I can rely on not only as my professional core but for my own personal "therapy." They keep me grounded in this crazed work place and are always a source of support. 
  1. I also scored Ri's office, after he retired. New furniture FTW!
9. Seattle Trip(s): I heart Seattle. Big time! Since I'm trying to condense my points into eleven "events," I couldn't separate the two trips that I've had this past year in lovely Seattle into two different bullet numbers. In June, my colleagues and I attended the American School Counselor Association conference. With the school year having just ended, we had the opportunity to really reflect upon our student population's needs and formulate some great plans for the upcoming school year. Of course, there was plenty of opportunity for fun, along with work, including yummy drinks, coffee, and grub. The following trip occurred for a destination wedding in October. Referred by my good college friends related to the bride, we were able to hang out with A&B. We took in the sights, sounds, and tastes of Seattle and were able to get some work done at the local coffee shops. Hubby finally understood my love for fine coffee, once we returned and he ordered "the usual," only to be disappointed that it wasn't as rich and smooth as Seattle's beans. Oddly, both trips included very little rain with awesome weather!

We work hard and play hard!
    I love coffee!! 
Bremerton Harbor, site of the wedding reception
10. El's dance recital: After scouring the parks & recreation guide for activities that El would be able to join at the age of two, I found Miss L's pre-ballet/pre-jazz/pre-tap class for tots. Since August, El has danced one a week for 30 minutes, the first half in ballet slippers and the last half in tap shoes. It's the most adorable and funny sight to watch between 6-12 two and three year olds attempt to replicate the moves of their teacher to popular kid songs, like the Strawberry Shortcake theme song. At first El wouldn't leave my lap but she would surely watch in awe and then want to practice at home. At this point, I have to pry her out of her ballet shoes and tutus, which she'll sometimes sleep in. There are two main performances each year, one of them being the Winter Showcase. In December, El's group had one of the opening performances and the very last performance of the evening's event. So worried was I that she would run off the stage, screaming and crying, after having had a horrible pre-performance and worse dress rehearsal, that when she stood on stage for the first dance, frozen still for most of the dance, and then dancing for the last few seconds, that shed tears of proud joy. And I'm not usually a crier! The last performance resulted in more tears as she really danced the second number. And you can't even imagine how absolutely precious they looked in costume! =) 
El with both Lola 7 Grandma on the first day of ballet class
    El loves to run around during dance class
11. Holiday Parties: This holiday season was especially exciting since El is beginning to understand and is able to participate in the festivities and because my dear sis returned home from Hawaii in November. Excited to be at our new home, we hosted a small Halloween gathering and trick-or-treated in our neighborhood with our friends and celebrated Thanksgiving with family, complete with the traditional brined and roasted turkey that Hubby and I prepare. Christmas included a trip to Socal to visit college buddies for our annual Christmas White Elephant Gift Exchange Potluck followed by Christmas Eve at my mom and dad's, where Hubby just about perfected the Boiling Crab sauce recipe for our shrimp, sausage, and corn boil. We even tried our hand at PPQ's garlic noodles. So yummy was this meal that we replicated it for our New Year's Eve "Eve" dinner at our house but only after Christmas dinner at the R fam's house, where we had even more yummy food. New Year's eve included a small gathering at our good friend's house where Hubby finally participated in the ball drop with El (having slept through El's first NYE and traveling to the Philippines last year).

Bruin Cheerleader Ninja, Halloween at our house
Alton Brown's roasted turkey
Ev & El's annual pic with Santa, comparison of their first and recent photos
Christmas Eve at Lola & Lolo's house

I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful 2011. It wasn't without any stress or worries but overall, it was such a fortunate year for our family. Here's to the end of 2011 and the beginning of a new year. So excited am I for 2012!