Friday, March 30, 2012

things i do that bug my husband...

in honor of our 7th anniversary, here is a list of top 7 things i do that annoy hubby:
  1. that i don't always squeegee the shower doors when i finish showering
  2. forgetting to tell him i need an oil change once the reminder gets to 60% (he had to tell me it's like a grading system and that 60% is an F)
  3. leaving the fridge doors open when i grab something from the fridge for just a "few minutes" (i know, i know, i try to conserve resources as much as possible but this is one bad eco-unfriendly habit i have.)
  4.  crumbs in the bed (i like to blame this on el)
  5. sharing a drink or dip that includes a spoon in it (i like to keep it in the there to keep the contents well mixed. he says it gets in the way)
  6. nagging ("but i wouldn't have to repeat myself if you would do it the first time!" =)
  7. trying to intertwine my toes with his in a "toe hug"
annoying as these things may be, you're stuck!!!! muahahahaha!!!!

it's nice to know that flaws and all, i'm loved. here's to 7 years of marriage and many, many more to come. ("they've just finished playing the opening intro and title screen." =)

(image from:

Saturday, March 24, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • a warm occupied home, thanks to the presence of my little cousins
  • initiative
  • my planned master's paper party so i can finally finish my master's proposal
  • the start of 2 weeks of spring break!
  • people who listen with open minds and hearts
  • the green hills surrounding our town from the much needed rain
  • netflix and being able to share my love for "lost" with my cousins. c is now "stuck" and has watched 17/25 episodes of season 1 in a few short days
  • reintroducing stand alone conditioner to my hair. what a difference!
  • skype, for allowing me to communicate with hubby & el
it's so great to be able to skype with my fam while they're in the philippines

Monday, March 19, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:

  • awesome family & friends
  • "me time"
  • uninterrupted sleep
  • the anubhuti meditation center in novato - this is an amazing center that welcomes all walks of life and only asks for donations for the plethora of classes, workshops, and retreats they offer
  •  deep breaths
  •  skyping/facetiming and emailed photos to keep connected with hubby & el, while on their trip to the philippines
  • free itunes app/song cards courtesy of starbucks
  • the spare room at my parents' house
  • lola the weiner dog keeping me company last night, in her own bed underneath my bed
  • the possibility of change
woodpecker art on our walk outside the anubhuti meditation center

Saturday, March 17, 2012

going solo for the next 3 weeks

el and hubby left for the philippines on wednesday. i was sad. i cried for a few seconds. i decided not to wait at the airport with them for check-in to avoid prolonging the agony of knowing i would be without them for the next 20 plus odd days...

then after skyping with them the first day afterwards and seeing such joyful photos of el, hubby, his bro, and his mom, i realize what an awesome adventure they would have and i felt okay. jealous, a little. but mostly, i'm somewhat looking forward to my own solo adventure for the next 3 weeks.

i'm sleeping more soundly with no interruptions, more space in the bed, and no need to get up to prepare for anyone else but myself. wow, daily life was so much easier without a husband and child, i tell ya. =) one of my coworkers seemed to be checking up on me yesterday as we left school for the weekend and asked "you'll be at your parents, right?" as if, i might be sad or lonely.

but i'm actually having fun!

i went out with the moms club of ac, the organization i belong to in our new town, to a comedy club last night. this was the first event i attended and my good friend, jas, was kind enough to be dd for the night. one departing message from one of the acts was to "keep it sexy!" i realize how hard that is when you get bogged down with the daily routine and get so busy, having to care for others, maintain a job (or two, in my case), handle your finances, keep a home, etc. what a timely message this is for me, as i can't remember the last time i didn't just do for myself. i'll get an afternoon, here and there but this is my first time i haven't had to worry about anyone but myself for more than a couple days. and boy, is it a nice change.

today, i was supposed to do some work for the business, like i would normally do on a typical saturday. my good friend, bry, called me up to go for lunch with his fiance, "i", and their son, who is also my godson. without any hesitation, i jumped in my car and drove over to their place in alameda. they treated me out to a noodle house in chinatown i've never eaten at. yum! we've been hanging out all day, playing draw something and crackin' up. now, i'm sitting here at a boba tea shop waiting for "i" to finish up an appointment with their realtor and then, we'll be off to the movies for my second gal pal night in a row.

i can either choose to be sad and mopey about my family's absence. or i can take reign of all this time to myself and enjoy it tot he fullest. i choose the latter.

it's been an awesome day. =)

tomorrow or maybe monday, i'll get back to business. but for now, it's all about me, myself, and "i."

with my godson, luk

Saturday, March 10, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • el's pleasant company while dining out (finally) as she can feed herself more independently now and is more willing to try new foods
  • imagination
  • extra long naps
  • toddler chatter
  • festive party favors
  • recent kid birthday parties at "jumpy houses"
  • milk tea
  • a more organized bathroom
  • bakery story and restaurant story, my latest addictions!

maximizing seating and tables for maximum diners and tips! =)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


today, i feel grateful for:
  • awesome family & friends
  • caffeine
  • google image searches
  • the bakery story app
  • comfy couches
  • lotion and lipbalm
  • quiet, productive afternoons
  • youtube videos that entertain the little one (lately, it's little mermaid on broadway)
  • organized binders
  • videos of el sent to me via text while at work 
 el asked hubby to send me a video message =)